Strona główna » Student indonezyjskiego college’u wraca po sukcesie NFT z pre-sale memecoina wartego 1,8 miliona dolarów.
Student indonezyjskiego college'u wraca po sukcesie NFT z pre-sale memecoina wartego 1,8 miliona dolarów.

Student indonezyjskiego college’u wraca po sukcesie NFT z pre-sale memecoina wartego 1,8 miliona dolarów.

Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali, student of IT from Indonesia, who in 2022 sold NFTs with his daily selfies for millions of dollars, now announced the presale of a meme coin project. The „Ghozali Everyday” project combines meme coins with NFTs on the Base blockchain, exceeding the target by reaching 527 ETH.

In January 2022, Ghozali gained popularity in the crypto world by minting NFTs featuring his daily selfies over five years, earning over $1 million. With the project „Ghozali Everyday,” he captured nearly 1,000 self-portraits reflecting his academic journey.

Returning after several months, Ghozali combined meme coins with NFTs in a new project on the Base blockchain. The presale for the second edition of „Ghozali Everyday” reached 527 ETH, around $1.8 million. Amidst the surge in meme coin enthusiasm, Ghozali’s project stands out in the evolving crypto space.

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